Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Team Environmental DJs

One of the strongest outputs coming from Canada in the 'street' community has been our DJs. Blend for Blend we are smashing other countries. or at least our southern neighbours. Team Canada is making it happen for their namesake country, and taking it beyond and addressing real issues. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Meet The M#thaF#ckin Street

Just to get it started, I rounded up a gang of qual-ity/ified street credible folks from across Canada to get digital. It's really simple.. The intros will come from their own entries. Me, I'm always out on road, and when I'm not the presence is felt. I'm gonna give my recommendations and street feelings of what is living or losing.

On Behalf of me and my team - Enjoy Ya Weekend

Shuffle w/ Matisse Live

Snoop Dogg w/ Ice Cube Tour and more importantly AfterParties:
Ottawa 26th - Montreal 27th - Quebec City 28th